Heading from Baltimore to Rhode Island, info appreciated!

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Veteran Member
Apr 7, 2010
Hi All.

We will be taking Three Belles (Albin 36), from Baltimore to Rhode Island, during the third week of July (16-24). *I'll be taking her up with some of the boys, then leaving it for about 10 days, then bringing her back with the family (My wife May, and our girls, Eiza 13 and Abbey 11).

Any info you can throw my way will be great. *I plan to work the coast up from Cape May to Sandy Hook, and then out through the LI Sound. Will mostly anchor along the way.

Guidebooks, local knowledge, suggestions (for cruising and fishing), comments and perhaps where to leave the boat for the 10 day stretch between journeys, would be appreciated. *

Thanks in advance.

While transiting NY harbor and East River, Listen to VHF ch 13 so you will no what is going on around you- Commercial traffic. When in doubt ask. Expect large tows to be at Hallets Point
around slack water (Hell Gate). Port Jefferson is a nice stop (Long Island), with everything
within walking distance of Moorings/marina
The trick to NY harbor is to go up or down the East river with the tide.

5K can be running , so hit the Battery after the low tide turns ,or at least enter NY harbor round Sandy Hook as the tide is coming in.

Throgs Neck bridge at Hi tide if heading down river.

City Island has good holding between it and Hart Island.Great NYC Pizza from the shop on City Island Ave near Fordham St.

A walk to market and other stores are EZ walks.

Oyster Bay is another great protected anchorage, as are most of the towns on the LI side.

The NY and CT shore is more rocky , so prefer the LI side.

Sag Harbor is worth a visit , great free anchorage inside under 20-22? ft high bridge.
Oyster Bay on Port Jeffereson sound like great places to stop.
I am going to add them to my list.

About NY Harbor.* I heard that there is anchoring behind the Statue of Liberty, is that true?

Also, is there anyplace to tie up and go to say, Southstreet Seaport?
The Seaport has been done by cruisers , but you have to work it out in advance.

Remember the Seaport is in the East River , so docking can be interesting.

There is also a resturant by the Brooklyn Bridge that might work, again tie up for 6 ft wakes from passing no load tugs and a 5K current in both directions!

Liberty Marina (or something like that) is "behind" the Lady and is open to transits you take publik transuit to NY,

, there is also a 79th street marina ion the Hudson River that takes transits in Manhattan.

You can circumnavigate Manhattan via the Harlem river if air draft is under about 20 ft.
OK, Sounds like docking at the seaport area with the Albin is out of the question.
At this point of the trip, it will be just the boys (5 adults acting like teens), so going into the city would be a fun thing to do.* Besides, I will be dropping a bunch off there to make their way home and picking up others, so making land in NYC is a must.

I plan to anchor near Ellis Island.* I also have a 13' hardbottom Avon with 40 Yami, so after anchoring, we can scoot to shore.* Problem is, again, where to make land.

Although I like the idea of 79th street, I am pretty sure I don't have 20'clearance to make it around the island and into the sound that way.* And, I don't want to go up to 79th street, then have to double back and then come up the east river.

Thanks FF.*

Does Anyone have local knowledge of pier 11?* I hear it is used extensively by water taxi.* I understand it is near the Seaport.

-- Edited by rpelton on Wednesday 26th of May 2010 04:21:33 AM
MY advice would be Barron's Boat yard on City Island.

A mooring is cheap as is the taxi ride or limo from LGA or JFK.

The subway will take the boys anywhere they wish to go , cheap .

"ALL" the way to 79th st and back down to the battery is a snap and Quick, with the tide.

And the ride is scenic , both ways!
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