Boat porn addict?

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Jan 20, 2016
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Custom Built
Yeah I know you clicked on this as the title was a bit misleading but sorry this is not what you thought lol :rofl:
My question is: are you boat porn addict?
Here what I mean. I like to browse boat selling web site even if I am not on the market. I love to see other boats interior for ideas. When I go somewhere is a marina I must go and check the boats, and even in my marina if a trawler is passing by I watch it, if they stop I go to check them at the dock.
So the question, are you like this or am I sick (well ok no doubt I am sick but are you too?)

You're normal. I do the same except with commercial fishing boats. Even though I'm past the age, I still like to see what gear they're using, how they're setup and so on. I can say I like the new styles.
Yep! And I look at other styles of boats I passed on to buy mine...sometimes I feel like I'm cheating on 'er :angel:
Oh yes! I have a shortcut for Yachtworld on my tool bar. Do I need another boat? No, but I love to see how others have set theirs up. I steal lots of great ideas.

Cheers, Bill
Nope. Not guilty. I am, however, addicted to TF and 3 other boating sites and tend to log into each of them 2-3 times a day.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Quick story, and the answer is yes, but not as bad as it used to be. But I shared some with a good friend of mine at his work address and titled it "Boat Porn". Well about three hours after he responded to my mail, one of the lurkers monitoring the business's computer network came a calling and told him that they knew that he was looking at the wrong type of stuff at work. So the moral of the story, be careful where you type the word "Porn", as it can even kick this site out of rated 'G" searches.
Quick story, and the answer is yes, but not as bad as it used to be. But I shared some with a good friend of mine at his work address and titled it "Boat Porn". Well about three hours after he responded to my mail, one of the lurkers monitoring the business's computer network came a calling and told him that they knew that he was looking at the wrong type of stuff at work. So the moral of the story, be careful where you type the word "Porn", as it can even kick this site out of rated 'G" searches.

Lol My director is a boater so I do not have this issue, in fact we often have good discussion about boats and we enjoy it :)

I was addicted to Yachtworld...

Dreaming of some day having a boat that could take me where I wanted to go.

Thinking that “some day I’ll buy a boat that I can go cruising on and escape my ho hum work a day world”

Then I bought a boat that could safely and comfortably do all that.

and my dreams were shattered!!!

Because I realized that it wasn’t having the “right” boat that was holding me back, it was me, my life, and the needs of my famly that were keeping me from being the wanderlust free spirit I always wanted to be.


I wait patiently for retirement, just a few short years away, and don’t look at yachtworld anymore.
Yes. But my bigger addiction is watching boat reviews on YouTube. Thats very addictive....
Have no need to search for boats for sale since possessing my last boat.
I don't know what your talking about, I thought that was normal? All kidding aside I am around boats all the time and if I end up finding an idea that I like, I'll go to all means necessary mode to make it happen on my boat.
"So the question, are you like this or am I sick (well ok no doubt I am sick but are you too?)"

Started this sickness in the wooden boat era.

Started in HS , 1956 , so algore had not invented internet yet.

Still have thousands of color slides of ideas seen on boats I might want to steal.

Slides allowed the images to be blown up so the idea could be seen , and remembered.

Almost every wooden boat of good size was a custom build , so owners or NA concepts were easy to create.
My boat porn addiction is very strange. I search out boats for sale in countries that interest me, like in Scotland, Israel, S. Africa etc. I am just fascinated with the types of boats that are developed for different tastes and sea conditions. OK, I am a nautical deviant. I confess.
so hopefully you can help

First of all I am quite the same.....
As you look to a lot of boats for sale you might be able to help me in the US or other market.
We are looking for a Trawler of 45 to 50 ft to make long cruises (own a sailboat oceanis 50). Criteria are that it has the saloon with doors at the back like a Grand banks heritage. Preferably we would also like that we can do 10 to 12 knots cruising speed when necessary. I have the impression that outside Europe there is a lot more choice of boats we don’t even know here. Any one has ideas what boats would suite apart from the obvious like the grand banks etc. (which is to expensive) It also looks like buying in the US is much cheaper. What are good websites to look for boats in the US? Thanks for the help!

:blush: It is dangerous even if you are happy with your boat, it starts to silently silently manipulate your mind and you find that you are dissatisfied with your boat and you will find the "sensible" reasons to change your boat.

:eek:I will look at the "boat porn" and fall into this sin when I bought my NT last year. My old boat was okay, but I developed a "sensible" reason to change that much more expensive boat the same size, this was fuel consumption, the truth with the money I paid for a new boat, I could have driven maybe 15-20 years ...

"boat porn" expensive hobby:nonono: shame to acknowledge...


I'm Bill and I'm an addict." all started with poring over the pictures in the back pages of Yachting at the library.
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I'm Bill and I'm an addict." all started with poring over the pictures in the back pages of Yachting at the library.

LOL Welcome Bill and thank you to share with us lol

Maybe we need a 12-step program?

I just look at them for the articles. No, wait, that's a different excuse.

I just look at them for ideas for my current boat. Yeah. That's it.
It is not too late to join Boat Porn Anonymous (BPA) for your addictions.
It all started 30 years ago in college, innocently enough. My go-to study spot on the 3rd floor of the library was back in a quiet nook, surrounded by metal shelves. Upon further investigation, I discovered that these shelves contained cataloged collections of magazines, and I was right next to Motorboat and Sailing. At first I would just thumb through a few old issues while taking a break from my studies, but soon I needed more. I would find myself in the library even when I didn't really need to be there. I found Yachting, then the entire collection of Rudder, all the way back to the turn of the century. Woodenboat magazine was next. It got so bad that I even found myself looking at Sailing magazine. I finally had to graduate and quit this obsession cold turkey. The monkey off my back, I could pursue my dreams and be a productive contributor to society...and along comes the internet. The monkey returns, with a vengeance!
Hi, my name is Howard and I'm a boat porn addict.
;)Oh! This is about "boat porn"!!! (I'm outa here.)
I envy those of you that have been able to control your boat porn to just viewing beauties online, ogling their tight transoms and bulbous bows.

I regret to say my addiction has taken over me and I have fallen much further. I seek out events where I can interact with them in person. "Boat shows," it sounds so innocent. Anything but. There you can open hatches you probably shouldn't and peer inside. No one is watching, go ahead and cop a feel!

Then a few years ago, an even lower point, I decided I just had to possess one for myself, even if just for a fleeting moment. I saw a few hanging out where they do, you know, marinas. I negotiated a price and took her for myself for an entire week. She was mine, bought and paid for. As soon as we were out of sight, and showed her my naked body. It's painful to say this now.

Through the week I rode her through waves of pleasure. She had a powerful engine and I would even say as I leaned on her it virtually throbbed. Salty water poured off her as my debasement continued each day. Of course at the end, feeling remorseful, I gave her a nice sponge bath and lovingly dried her off. She's been silent about my abuse, bless her.

I hope I won't lose my job, with my admission. Oh, never mind, I'm retired.
Now that we are coming to confession, I must admit I have an affair with my boat. I do not think my wife is aware of such a personal relationship, hope she won't mind me. I try to cover up by bringing her aboard so I can enjoy both of her but I fear the day she will wake up in the middle of the night to find out that I am on the deck, what will she think? I wish she could join us, this would be the perfect threesome.


My addiction has gotten so bad I have to keep a tab of actual porn at the ready in case my girlfriend walks in the room.
"Are you looking at boats again"?
"No Honey, just midget lesbian mud wrestling."
"Ok then".
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