Baltimore to Port Jefferson

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Senior Member
Nov 29, 2017
United States
Vessel Name
Livin The Dream
Vessel Make
Sea Ray
Has anyone cruised from Baltimore to Port Jefferson on Long Island. Was wondering how long this would take at 10-12 knots?
In July we traveled that route. We were actually going from Savannah to RI but, yeah.

We went up the Chesapeake and down the Delaware in 36 hours to stop at utschs for a night. We left early, and buzzed into Sandy Hook that evening. Day 3 we went through the city and could have made port Jeff by nightfall but we stopped a little shy of it for another nice anchorage. We traveled at 7.5 kts for most of this. At 10-12 kts, if you skipped the Delaware, you could probably do it in one long day with the right tides going through the city!
Not sure how you skip the can help or hurt around 2 Knott's depending on your schedule and tidal current..

The chop off Jersey can help or hurt a knot or two depending on wind direction.

So predicting time run can vary quite a bit. I would factor worst case scenario and have plan B if things go better.
So it looks I am looking at 2.5 days of day cruising?
So it looks I am looking at 2.5 days of day cruising?
Unless you want to do overnights! There are a LOT of variables, as psneeld said, skipping the Delaware would be a problem, and I'll second the consideration for currents in the Delaware- plus if you end up banging head seas, you'll probably not cruise at 12 kts. If you don't have to do a delivery, plan a trip with contingencies for lay time so it's PLEASURE boating.
Sorry newbie here. Let me rephrase “best case scenario” how long would it take day cruising.
1 day to Cape May, NJ, 1 short day to Atlantic City, 1 day to Sandy Hook, 1 day to PJ.
Two early springs ago in my 11 to 12 knot trawler we did a short day passage from Baltimore up to the C & D Canal for the night, then on to Atlantic City that next day, with a third day from Atlantic City to Port Jeff aren on the third day. Had moderately heavy winds and somewhat churned up seas but if you and the boat are up to it it is an easy three day passage
Sorry newbie here. Let me rephrase “best case scenario” how long would it take day cruising.

"Best case" can sometime go south quickly. It can be a useful starting point for analysis, but do plan for some potential lay days for weather, maintenance ("unscheduled service"), etc.

From Annapolis to Cape May is about 125 NM. When we've run slowly (~7 kts) we've split that trip into two legs. First stop is Chesapeake City or Delaware City, next is Cape May (or Lewes, depending on where we're really going). Both days about 7 hours underway. At higher speeds (~18 kts) each leg is about 4 hours. These numbers are from memory, though...

Yes 3 cruising days. Did it a few times in my old 11.5 knot Mainship I.
Two early springs ago in my 11 to 12 knot trawler we did a short day passage from Baltimore up to the C & D Canal for the night, then on to Atlantic City that next day, with a third day from Atlantic City to Port Jeff aren on the third day. Had moderately heavy winds and somewhat churned up seas but if you and the boat are up to it it is an easy three day passage

Thats a long stretch from AC to Port Jefferson? How long did that take?
Left A C at sun up and made P J while still in non daylight saving time.
1 day to Cape May, NJ, 1 short day to Atlantic City, 1 day to Sandy Hook, 1 day to PJ.

That's the way we liked to do it. Or throw in one more anchorage say at Still Pond Or Whorton Creek or the like. Sometimes substituting Great Kills for Sandy Hook if we wanted to enjoy NYC for a few days. But if it is a pure delivery at 12 knots, you could skip any one of those steps. What's the hurry?

If you have a plotter or a chart, you could figure it out for yourself to suit your preferences.
That's the way we liked to do it. Or throw in one more anchorage say at Still Pond Or Whorton Creek or the like. Sometimes substituting Great Kills for Sandy Hook if we wanted to enjoy NYC for a few days. But if it is a pure delivery at 12 knots, you could skip any one of those steps. What's the hurry?

If you have a plotter or a chart, you could figure it out for yourself to suit your preferences.

Was hoping to do over a the long memorial day weekend, weather permitting.
Be aware the anchorage in the C&D canal "harbor of refuge" has very poor holding , a big anchor would be very useful.
I've done the trip twice. Factors to consider.

1. 3 long days is very tiring at the helm. We had a crew of 3, so not too bad IF we did it in 3 days - we took 5.

2. Burning that amount of fuel to just pass all the interesting spots - not very rewarding.

3. Provided the weather forecast looks good, I would start early Friday - most places, not much is getting done that Friday anyway. Then if the weather holds, making in by Monday is a little more leisurely. Add Tuesday as a contingency for weather or you just decide to make another stop.

4. Make is a fun trip, not a chore to get done.
Yes those are all good ideas. I was thinking doing that exact plan.
All good advice above, the only thing I would add is the weather during that time of year will be a factor, we really don't get that many great days (low winds) in a row plus you will run into a lot of fog off of NJ.

Have a few safe inlets planned, better to have handy then scrambling while you are bouncing around in a boat.

Just factors to put into your planning.
An awesome run. I have done it a few times in our Trawler at 8 kts. 3 long days are ahead. Not sure if this is a delivery or pleasure on a well known boat. Bring tools, meters, fuel filters etc....
Open ocean from Cape May north is unforgiving and snotty. A starboard beam sea at 11 kts can be uncomfortable for hours.

Take your time and enjoy the ride if you can.
1 day to Cape May, NJ, 1 short day to Atlantic City, 1 day to Sandy Hook, 1 day to PJ.


That's about how we do it, but at your speed I'd go Cape May to Atlantic Highlands (Sandy Hook) in one day, conditions permitting. You want to leave Atlantic Highlands at low tide and catch the flood going up the East River to Long Island Sound. Playing the tides in the Chesapeake you want to arrive at the C&D Canal near the top of the flood and then ride the ebb down Delaware Bay. We usually stay a bit north of the main channel in Del Bay to avoid dodging the heavy shipping traffic.
4 1/2-5 days -baltimore to delaware river, down Delaware to cape may, or atlantic city depending on ocean up coast to sandy hook, across and up through to port jefferson. This presumes good weather and anchoring out-if you are going marina to marina add a couple of days
The death of a sailor

Has anyone cruised from Baltimore to Port Jefferson on Long Island. Was wondering how long this would take at 10-12 knots?

Bmore to top of bay at c and d canal one day. Leave daybreak into canal and down Delaware bay. Stop Cape May. Run the canal and anchor at the coast guard station. Leave before dawn and drive north to Sandy Hook. Again anchor at the coast Guard station. Head into New York harbor and up the East river. Enter the Sound and hopefully make Port Jefferson. A long day and if the current is not favorable through Hells Gate stop at City Island or oyster en route.

Once you enter Delaware Bay to round Cape May secure (hide) any sharp items until you get to NYC. The Jersey coast is the most boring transit on the east coast. Nothing but Atlantic City ahead and behind as you head north.

Enjoy. We used to make the trip on our sailboat annually. It literally drove us to purchase a trawler!
Why Hurry?

Ideally a trip from Baltimore to Port Jeff should include an overnight stop in Atlantic City, 2 or three nights in a marina with easy access to Manhattan (like one of the ones in Jersey City or Downtown Manhattan), maybe a night in City Island and then Port Jeff - One might also consider anchoring out in Graves End Bay overnight before going to his Manhattan accessible berth to observe the light show that is New York - So, In my humble opinion, a trip from Baltimore to Port Jeff should be no less than 4 days and not much more than 7.
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