Commercial Classifieds - an improvement for Industry Pros

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.

Janet H

Site Team
Jan 14, 2012
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
Cape Dory
We have a number of active forum members who are experts in the marine industry and they play an important role here. Often they have extremely insightful posts and regularly offer members the benefit of their expertise; we're really glad to have them here.

Currently our industry "pros" aren't allowed to post links or sales material and often members aren't really sure who they are. A few have approached us about advertising or offering discounts or special buys for forum members but currently we have no marketing program to accommodate this and have not allowed commercial posts in the classifieds. We believe that it's time for a change.

Here's what we have in mind:

A new forum section will be set up specifically for commercial posts just below the classifieds section. Our Commercial members will be able to post info there about their services or sales and have discussions with members that include product pricing, and info. In other areas of the forum there will be no change in posting standards and no commercial activity allowed.

Folks in the marine biz who regularly participate in forum discussions will be be badged as "commercial" so that members can easily recognize them. We will encourage them to place a link in their signature to their business as well as include additional contact information in their Profiles. Only those accounts that have a Commercial label may have this signature link. The Commercial Badge will only be given to those members who have established themselves as regular, participating forum members and if abused, we may remove it.

You can read the full rules here: (link) but here's the short version:
- Accounts will be badged at our discretion
- One commercial link in signature
- Any other contact info must be in profile (but not sig)
- Prices, sales, literature and links may only be posted in commercial posts area
- No bickering with other vendors and no product comparisons
- Username should be non-commercial but we may grandfather in a few well established names
- No logos, etc in avatar images
- Product discussions are allowed in all sections of the forum but only when asked a direct question AND no prices or links

Basically this means that you can't solicit members or post commercial content (except in the vendor forum). You can post some basic product info and offer product information in other sections of the forum only if directly asked. You may not direct members to your website with posts like "see our website for that part."

We hope this arrangement will benefit both regular members seeking info and our industry pros who are interested in raising their visibility.
I think that is great news.
This will certainly give the members of this forum the opportunity to have "heads up" on deals coming down the pike. Many times we have trades working, or new listings soon coming on the market that we would like to share with the nice folks first, before the whole world has a shot. Can't hurt that's for sure.
Since I now have acheived 'guru' status, can you make special forums and badges for us?
I think that is great news.

We think it is too. The Site Team has been discussing this off and on for a couple years now. While we(the mods) all agree there will be a learning curve, overall it should be a positive.

The rules posted that Janet surmised above in post #1 really boil down simply, be nice.
What's happening with this? I see a Commercial forum but it just says "never".
Never should refer that there's no thread populating it.

Should be open though and ready to receive.
I am glad to see my username of YACHTBROKERGUY could be grandfathered in. I started using that name on the old Passagemaker website about ten years ago to be obvious of what I do for a living but have not used it to solicit business.
Yes I would like to promote some boats for sale that members here might like.
Janet-I think this is a very good idea. As you have noted, TF has commercial members who are valuable contributors. It is great to give them the opportunity to offer their services and products directly to the TF members. Hope this does not mean that Parks will quit handing out free Cuban coffees though.
J Hope this does not mean that Parks will quit handing out free Cuban coffees though.

If I remember correctly, that was grandfathered in. :)
The new forum section for commercial selling is a great idea. Could have limited results as TF members are scattered all over the world. When I lived in Alaska I never looked in the classified section for obvious reasons.

But as always I think the commercial links should be kept out of the general posts. One should go to the commercial section to conduct business. I'm positive most of the brokers and other commercial guys here only post once and awhile so as to keep their link constantly popping up. It's like passing out business cards in church.
Commercial Access

I think that is a very good idea. As long as the commercial stuff stays segregated and the general population of the asylum isn't subjected to it ala "Clockwork Orange" then it sounds like a win-win. I have found many posts by Yachbrokerguy and Daddyo to be very helpful and informative without pushing anything on anyone, and would certainly be inclined to seek commercial help here before anywhere else. :thumb:
Oh Boy! Can I have one of those fancy Commercial Member thingies under my name?
The free Cuban coffee is grandfathered in for any Trawler Forum person who will visit me. Never met a trawler guy I didn't like. Now sailors..... Well they're just a different kind of crazy.

"Whatever you do, Parks....don't take it personal.;) "
Larry, I thought it meant there never would be a commercial section! I was greatly disappointed.
Eric, change is seldom easy and we only undertake it after much discussion and hand wringing on the part of the Site Team. With the growth of the forum (over 9,000 members now) we had a real problem brewing that we felt would ultimately be best faced before we grew any larger.

The system we chose to deal with it cuts both ways. The commercial members are given more exposure and a place to post free of charge but, they've also agreed to conduct themselves in an appropriate manner in all sections of the forum. It's also subject to the approval of all the mods before they get badged, not just anyone is gonna waltz in hear stinking up the place. If they meet all the other criteria we laid out but are not consistently modeling good posting behavior, no badge. We mods won't allow it because just like everybody else we participate here voluntarily because we like it here.

The no bickering rule is quite important as we've gotten involved in a few incidents lately where more than a couple folks in the thread turned out to have a direct financial interest in the topic. Without a badge the average TF'er hasn't got a clue who some of these players are. In this manner the individual member can decide if they're getting good advice or someone is selling them a load of bull fertilizer.

We are hoping a more open model will clear some of this up and ultimately be a better resource for everybody.
If the moderators here at this point after considering all the angles still think it's appropriate and positive to have business links in regular posts I'll stand down and never complain about it again.

For those that haven't been around for 4 or 5 years I've complained about the business links on posts for at least that long. This is the time to set it straight and I know these guys well enough to know they have listened to me and will take this from the engine room to the bridge and decide what's best. I also know there are elements here that I'm unaware of that bear in on this so this is the last time I'll make noises that the general population of TF can read.

I lost a teaching job and decided I'd try my hand at selling cars. I worked at a Mercury dealership. The staff at the large school where I worked was 114 teachers. They wanted me to sell cars to as many of my ex-colleagues as possible. They expected me to call these teachers and sell them cars. I'd have none of it and of course lost that job too.
That's my point re the analogy of passing out business cards at church. Hitting someone up in a social environment to do non-social unrelated business and profit from them by stealing their time and taking advantage of their presence where they have no intentions of buying product or services is disgusting. It's an invasion of privacy much the same as telemarketing. It's rude.

That's all I have to say and will never mention it again.
As you read through the Commercial Member rules, Eric, you'll see that these issues are addressed as far as we could foresee them. It's an evolutionary process and we're going to tailor it to the needs of the Trawler Forum community.

We in the TF Site Team are always open to suggestions and observations from all members. If you see something you don't think is right or needs a little tweeking, just call it to our attention via PM or post report. If we, the Site Team, agree with you, we'll take action as appropriate. If we see it differently, we'll share that with you and explain why.

The idea here is that we all be given the opportunity to contribute in the areas in which we're best suited. I value the insight and experience of the TF community and I know others do, too. I also know Commercial Members (CMs) can help the community with their knowledge and experience and, at the same time, broaden their customer base. It seems like a win-win if properly managed. No one wants the boards to turn into e-billboards...and they won't. But if the hot topic of the week seems to be failing bilge pumps and some CM decides he wants to offer a special discount to TFers on a quality bilge pump, then we all win.
"But if the hot topic of the week seems to be failing bilge pumps and some CM decides he wants to offer a special discount to TFers on a quality bilge pump, then we all win."

Not only that but the CM can't mention the special discount in the bilge pump thread. He can only post it in the Commercial Forum and you don't ever have to go there if you don't want to.

Following this will be my new signature as a commercial member. That's about the only thing that will change about my posts.
Rest easy Eric, teething issues are possible, but we will be watching and discussing, we already are, and we are ready to make changes if necessary. Report anything you think is wrong, we will look at it.
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