Nordhavn #3

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Feb 7, 2010
I have been enjoying this site for over a year and thought I would make this post to annonce that after a long 18 months of researching our next boat we decided to stay with PAE Nordhavn and build our third N40 (long story). One item that may be of interest to a few people is that this boat will have what PAE has called the "Torelli" layout. It is basically a single stateroom, two head and slightly larger pilothouse design. Our goal is to use the ruggedness of an ocean crossing capable Nordhavn and configure her for part time live aboard and coastal cruising. We plan to keep her simple as far as systems goes and hopefully come with a Nordhavn that is a little more affordable. Based on the last ten years and building two other N40's we know what works for us and what doesn't so feel confident in this boats configuration. If anyone is interested in our journey feel free to contact us directly at

John & Maria Torelli
Hey John, I have over the last 6mts looked at just about every type of boat on the internet in the event that ' if ' I ever stepped up to a bigger craft I would have a better idea of what I would go with. The one that I keep going back to is the Nordhavn64 because for me to head down south from Newfoundland for an overwinter cruise ( wishful plan ) it would be the one boat I would feel most comfortable/safe in. I think the N64 looks about the most proportional visually of all the Nordhavns ( personal preference of how I like a style of a boat ). For now it is only a dream but hey, it doesn't hurt to dream. Scott and Mary Flanders on YouTube makes it look easy to circumnavigate however I don't think ( actually know ) I wouldn't attempt any of their type of voyages.
Hi John. I didn't know you were on this forum. I read about your exciting news on the other forum. Very happy for you and Maria and of course jealous. The layout is excellent in my book. After I formulate some thoughts, I was going to contact you off line and pick your brain.

John, you've always been a supporter of us newbies and very helpful, so thank you.
According to John,

" When we purchased our first Nordhavn 40’ we both assumed a week long, 1,000 mile cruise from San Diego, Ca. to Cabo San Lucas was on the agenda. It wasn’t until after we had the boat for about a year that the first mate decided a week long cruise exceeded her level of fun! ......Now that we have gone through this experience twice we would like to think that we are better prepared for trawler number three.
Purchasing the wrong type of trawler is another mistake we came very close to committing. Since we would be using Maria Elena as a part time live aboard due to a job transfer (yes, some guys do get lucky) living space was a major concern. While Maria had no issues with the quality or layout of the boat she would have preferred something with a little more room. Our nominal budget limited us to the smallest of the Nordhavn displacement hull fleet and I was not willing to give up the quality and safety for a larger boat from a different builder. Thankfully the layout on the N40 is perfect for a couple (and occasional guests) and things have worked out very nicely.
Congrats on your new start up N40 #3
I saw the news on the dream site and can't wait to see your lay out.
Should be very interesting.
All the best with the project.
Good for you guys John, well done!
I agree the cramped pilothouse with no room for a decent helm chair was the main negative I felt toward the N40 in original,layout. Sounds like your mods are about right.
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