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Looking for Inflatable dingy

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
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Senior Member
Dec 13, 2010
I'm in the market for an inflatable dingy with 4 cycle motor. No bigger than 10 ft and no more HP than 10hp. Like to be close to SW Michigan.
If I decide to pickup JD's Livingston, I'll sell you my older inflatable Avon 3.xx(?) for a song. No engine though.
I can tell your not in Michigan. I would not dare be on the boat this time of year. matter of fact the ice would not allow for the boat to rock. Thanks for the offer.
I wish I understood that reply.
You two are stacking the deck on me...not fair, I knew what I wanted to say :)
I'm in Michigan and need to bring an Island Gypsy across Lake Michigan at the end of April when there are still Icebergs floating in the lake. Hence my comment about not wanting to make the trip without a dingy. I hear tell from others that there have been times early spring boaters found them self in the middle of a sheet of ice in the middle of Lake Michigan.
And what does that have to do with buying my dinghy? ;-)
It indicates that I have to have one by mid April. So unless your living in Michigan or along the IL Lk. MI coast, it would present a problem. Your picture looks tropical and away from the cold Michigan
It was taken at Bald Head Island, NC in May. Nevertheless, if I sell it to you cheap enough, I could ship it to you and you would still be ahead. You just need to talk JD into selling me his Livingston for cheap too. :-D
being new to the power boating world, you will have to brake that down for me. My background is all sailing and I know little about any Livingston.
Being new to the power boating world, I know nothing of any Livingston. Although I just looked that up and that looks like a real nice boat to me.
had the survey on the boat today and it was suggested that I install a fuel polisher in the system. So here I go looking at and checking systems out. I hope that there are a number of articles in the forum that will help
Breaking it down... I want to buy JD's Livingston dink. That will leave me with my 9' Avon inflatable that I will sell you for just a few hundred dollars (or less) and could ship to you. However, I can't sell you a motor. You're on your own for that. I just need to decide that I really want JD's Livingston OR he needs to make me an offer I can't refuse :-D

Here is the fuel polishing thread of my project last year: http://www.trawlerforum.com/t41132459/the-fuel-system-upgrade-project-episode-ii/ (new tab)

Be careful though. Some of the experts here reject the need for fuel polishing (and I think there is a discussion of it near the end of this thread). Make your own decision, but I'd be weary of a surveyor saying you need one. Personally, I did one for different reasons than just polishing. It's a fuel management system, but my tanks need cleaning and no amount of polishing can fix that. Perhaps a discussion for another time. Search the forums. There is a lot of info here on the subject.

The surveyor did not so much recommend it, but suggested I should think about it since I have 4 tanks with a 480 gal fuel capacity. Suggesting unless I run a lot and use a lot of fuel it would help keep contamination out.
The link you posted did not yield a page. Try it again. I will read up on the polishing post's later.
GonzoF1 wrote:
Breaking it down... I want to buy JD's Livingston dink. That will leave me with my 9' Avon inflatable that I will sell you for just a few hundred dollars (or less) and could ship to you. However, I can't sell you a motor. You're on your own for that. I just need to decide that I really want JD's Livingston OR he needs to make me an offer I can't refuse :-D

Here is the fuel polishing thread of my project last year: http://www.trawlerforum.com/t41132459/the-fuel-system-upgrade-project-episode-ii/ (new tab)

Be careful though. Some of the experts here reject the need for fuel polishing (and I think there is a discussion of it near the end of this thread). Make your own decision, but I'd be weary of a surveyor saying you need one. Personally, I did one for different reasons than just polishing. It's a fuel management system, but my tanks need cleaning and no amount of polishing can fix that. Perhaps a discussion for another time. Search the forums. There is a lot of info here on the subject.

*"I just need to decide that I really want JD's Livingston OR he needs to make me an offer I can't refuse :-D"

Thought I already did that.

As to the fuel polishing.**Without going through what a lot of folks have already said, several that have one and would not do it again, look at it this way.* To clean the tanks on your new boat only one thing works really.* You have to get inside of them to inspect them*and*clean them out if need be.* Moving fuel through a polisher will not do it. Yes the fuel will be clean but to what end if you put it back into dirty tanks and no matter what the guy that polishes the fuel says you can not get to*the stuff that is lining the tanks (if it is in fact in*there) without getting into the tanks.* So unless you have inspection plates on the tanks already my thought is to put the money that a polisher will cost you into four inspection plates. One on each tank.*Once clean*you can rotate through each tank once and a while and when*empty*you can open it up and have a look see.* Rotate through the four tanks and everyone of them will be opened at some time or another.* Clean fuel and always clean inspected tanks.* Never a problem. But probably not needed.

Surveyors sometime just say things so that they look like they are earning their keep.* In fact they sometime put stuff down on the survey that really causes problems with the insurance company and they shouldn't* have.*

Now after all of that being said unless there is a problem with the fuel presently, just go on and enjoy your*new boat.* Use the money to buy Toms dink or a case of Isle of Jura single malt.* The dink then the scotch.

Do a "fuel polisher" search on this forum and you should learn all you really need to know about the subject.

-- Edited by JD on Wednesday 15th of February 2012 08:42:21 AM
Good to know about the fuel polisher. All the tanks have inspection covers and allow access to the tanks. The previous owner left a stack of service records and something tell me he kept everything in great shape. He had the money and the knowledge having been a Capt. in the Navy. The single malt sound positively important.
sunvale:* I'm on Lake MI and there is no and there has been no ice there all winter.* You may want a dink for other reasons, but probably not ice.*

My thinking is the dink will serve me when I just want to puts around the harbor and if I should ever have to abandon the IG. Lk. Michigan water is very cold, even without ice floating on it.
I like the the looks of your boat. Looks roomy.
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