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Californian 42 for sale

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
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May 11, 2017
Californian 42 trawler for sale.
I purchased this boat 1 1/2 years ago. It was listed for $69,900. It was also listed on this forum.
I spent the past year and a half working on the boat , bringing up the general condition to my standards.
In other words, "I fixed everything!"
Though she had good bones as they say, once I dove into the project I found many issues. All fixable, all stemming mostly from just wearing out and frankly, a lack of proper timely maintenance. Many minor, some major. All repaired properly and many systems were improved overall.
I am a bit overzealous in this realm. My motto is "There is no Coast Gurad to come to your aid in the Sea of Cortez!"
I am an accomplished restoration person, having previously restored four boats and two classic cars over the last 30 years.
I am retired and spent months reworking Harmony into a vessel truly capable and reliable to set out on good long adventures.
I spent $20k and about a 1000 hours of my time making the boat ready for the Sea of Cortez.

Then the World decided to give me a swift kick in the ass. My plan to set out this fall on my dream cruise came crashing down and doing a stiff reality check, I realized I was going to just have to let her go.
My loss is your gain.
She is listed for $69,000. You can see her on the "La Paz Yachts " website.
Harmony is setting in the best marina in Baja Mexico, (Marina de La Paz)
Ready to go...She comes with a caretaker who watches the boat, starts the engines, cleans the hull, washes the boat and is extremely honest , responsible and reasonable. Your option.
Take a look. If you have questions Just PM me.
Hello, hope all is well. I am new to boating. I live in Scottsdale and am looking for a trawler to be my “cabin on the sea” ..an easy flight to cabo or a drive to San Carlos.
I would probably keep her in LaPaz or move north to San Carlos. Do you think this boat is ready for the sea of cortez? what else would you fix?? Are there any other add on’s you would consider? Solar? stabilisers? sorry if my questions are very rudimentary....

Thanks for your interest.
By now you have probably read my original post a few times and have had a lot of your preliminary questions concerning Harmony's overall condition and fitness to Cruise the Sea of Cortez. She is ready now to go anywhere someone would take a trawler of her type.
She is currently setting in the best "American expatriate" marina in the Baja. Good water. Great internet service. Good restaurants and walk anywhere in town or along the Malecon water front. It is located perfectly for anyone just wanting to have a water condo.
A truism: boats ALWAYS need some kind of work . Anyone that tells you different either has never owned one or is not telling you the truth.
That being said, I would take the boat to San Carlos or Mazatlan or all the way to Panama Canal.
I was down in November and we sailed down to Muertos bay and another trip completely around the Espirito islands. Only problems we encountered were man made. Mistakes that one makes in the learning process of being at sea. Harmony is a very forgiving vessel.
All the "Heavy lifting " has already been done...
If I were to keep the boat, I would have a few cosmetic issues taken care of, like a coat of paint here or there. Another would be replace the various house lights with LED lights to conserve power. Replace a few small fans with quieter more efficient ones. It is like buying a older house in that everything might work great , but individual taste would have you replacing faucets or changing out the cabinet hardware to your own liking. The man I have caretaking the boat is great. His caretaker duties cost less than $100 per month. He is also a licensed captain and can go out with you while you are learning the ropes..and he knows all the good fishing spots, too.

If you are truly interested call I would suggest calling Tom Murray at La Paz Yachts and setting up a time to inspect her.
I will be down in about a month and plan on spending time and sailing up into the Sea for some days, That assumes I still own Her.
I hope this answer some of your questions. I understand your concerns, as I was where you were some years back. The adventure is worth the efforts.
Good luck with your search.
The marina I am at charges about $800 per month.
Best marina in La Paz for liveaboards.( IMHO)
There are cheaper marinas available, more expensive, too.
Hello, this is Bill from Ansedonia, down the dock from you. Would you consider selling the outriggers separately? I could use some on my current boat. Good luck with the sale. :thumb:

Cheers, Bill
Sorry Bill
Not at this time
Planning on being down next month and hope to go out and drag some lures around.

I’m on the East Coast.
I will try to call you in the late afternoon (your time)
Best regards
John Bolton
I am interested
may be heading to Lapaz soon
where can I see pics and the details
trying to figure this posting out
haven't done it for a few years. I am familiar with La Paz
how do I see the pictures and more info
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