Can't find a connector

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Jan 28, 2015
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Kadey Krogen 48
This seems a silly request but I can't find the right search terms to locate a connector-type I need.

I'm transitioning my on-board network from 0183. I've got 0183 devices which I'm moving around on the net, and will continue to move around or eliminate. To facilitate this I've got them connected now using barrier strips rather than solder or something more permanent.

What I really want is to connect them via 4-wire plugs and sockets with screw terminals -- screw terminals so I can repurpose the connectors down the road. I'm thinking of a barrier strip split down the middle that could be plugged together. Or a plug-and-socket arrangement that would look something like this: 70088680.jpg

The connectors don't need to be marine-specific -- they're all inside in very protected locations.

I can't generate a Google search to find what I want, and my go-to place (mouser) doesn't make it easy to browse.

Any suggestions?
That pix shows a Phoenix Contact plug in. I have thousands at work, all different sizes. Most of that series connects to pc boards. Some are DIN rail. What do you need?? Mounting style, poles, spacing, etc.
Thanks Rusty - not quite what I'm looking for. What I would like would be something like TWO of those that plug together in a plug-and-socket configuration.

Dave, you're right, that image was Phoenix. I've seen them for PCB applications. I was just using that picture because they seemed about the right size and had screw-terminals for the wires.

To try to simplify/clarify: I want a free-standing (not mounted, not PCB) plug-and-socket configuration that I can screw 4 wires (say 18-22 ga) into. That's all. Don't care really about the exact configuration other than they shouldn't be too small for my clumsy fingers.
I typed in "bus distribution connectors" in google. I use the "Images" tab at the top to get a quick look at what I want. I got what looks like some VERY EXPENSIVE solutions to exactly what you want.

An alternative would be to type in "screw terminal connector" and look for what you want on that end, then get a part number and use Digikey or Mouser to look for the mating part. In the type of connector you show, the mating part is typically a PC board mounted connector. It may be hard to find a mating part that is not intended to be soldered to PCB.
How many devices will be sharing the bus in your current configuration?
This is what I have now: LED_strip_light_screw_terminal_4_wire__86537.1370322478.1280.1280.jpg

My other thought was something like a barrier strip split down the middle, or some way of ganging two barrier strips side-by-side.

No wonder I can't find these things if I can't even explain them well.
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Why screws?

Good question. My thought was I could then repurpose them to some other project down the road. Which is probably just me being overly cheap.

Plenty of options out there if I drop the screw-terminal requirement.
IF IT WERE ME, considering cost and true need to plug/unplug devices going forward......

I'd get a barrier strip that had 4x the number of devices in your system (assuming 4-conductor 0183. I would use block jumpers one each of the four 0183 signals jumpering the signal on one side of the barrier strip to the number of devices that need it.



So you'd have 4 wires coming in from one side (0183 signals) and all your devices coming out from the other with the jumpers providing duplication of the signals. That way they could all be screwed down with proper ring terminals.... ;)

Kinda like this, only neater and with proper jumpers and 4 incoming signals instead of two.

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I know you said "screw attach"; but, whenever I need a "free hanging" cable to cable connector, on a boat, I reach for this:


Mouser has these. And, aftermarket crimping pliers are low cost for this series..
Delphi weather pac. lots of options there.
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IMO Amphenol-Deutsch I linked to above are better than weatherpack, at least if moisture is an issue
IMO Amphenol-Deutsch I linked to above are better than weatherpack, at least if moisture is an issue

Yes, likely so. And, i'll say that LEMO is better yet. The Delphi has been proven in autos with likely billions of examples on the road, and they are submersible. But, yeah, not qualified for aerospace, etc. :)
If the comparison is made against terminal strips, then they are an order of magnitude better for reliability in hi-humidity apps. Now, I have a lot of experience with those black "chinch jones" terminals in boats, even for NMEA. I've put those in towers with lots of salt exposure. Even they can work well when covered by liquid tape and have a closed back, and use brass screws.
I know you said "screw attach"; but, whenever I need a "free hanging" cable to cable connector, on a boat, I reach for this:


Mouser has these. And, aftermarket crimping pliers are low cost for this series..
Delphi weather pac. lots of options there.

Using the same in one wire and two wires format, you can find these for cheap.
You can also use this kind of connectors:

I am using a bunch of them too and they are very good and available for cheap on our chinese manufacturer.

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