Just thought it worth mentioning....

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
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Commercial Member
Jul 28, 2009
Sailboatowners.com is once again offering signed copies of my book (see link in my signature below) on sale now for a great price--just $18USD! Order it from sbo.com Sailboatowners.com is the direct link to the listing...they send me the purchase order, I sign--and can even personalize it if you specify what you want me to say--and mail it.

The title "Get Rid of Boat Odors" (my publisher's idea) is a bit misleading...'cuz although it does deal with every source of odor on a boat and how to cure, or better yet PREVENT 'em, it's actually a comprehensive "marine toilets and sanitation systems 101" manual that explains the laws, describes all the types of systems and how they work, and will help you learn how to operate and maintain your system to prevent 99% of problems instead of having to cure 'em. 'Cuz you get to do any preventive maintenance on your terms when it's convenient...the need to cure a problem never happens when it is!

This will only be available for a limited time! It's a bit late to get it to you before Christmas but I'm mailing them First Class postage, so anything mailed this week should arrive before the end of the year.

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Already have my copy but I encourage every boat owner to have one.
I purchased Peggie's book a few months ago before replacing 2 1976 vintage heads and all plumbing. Well worth the cost.

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