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  1. S

    Markel/USAA Insurance Non-Renewal Notice today-

    St Pete area. But, it isn't a geographic thing. As of January it is being managed by a property management company that manages hundreds of properties -- but only one other marina, also a small one, somewhere in the northeast. This is something that they want to do as part of making both...
  2. S

    Markel/USAA Insurance Non-Renewal Notice today-

    Okay. We agree that our rates relate to our own vessel's risk, which I certainly agree includes the attendant risks of its geographic location. If the insurance companies choose not to insure certain risks, I agree that is their choice. Same w.r.t. the rate. No argument there. I'm in...
  3. S

    Markel/USAA Insurance Non-Renewal Notice today-

    Nope. I can't. My current marina wants me to agree to remove the boat during every named storm (not legal by statute in Florida, actually). I've told them I won't agree. They haven't threatened to throw me out or non-renew me, yet. So far they tell me that the issue isnt going to go away and...
  4. S

    Markel/USAA Insurance Non-Renewal Notice today-

    Hi Peter, I had almost that same reaction last season. The reality means I have to self-insure the risk of being in the marina for the storm, or pay for an insurance companynto insure it. As it turns out, I think their rates are pretty good -- I keep buying. (And, as I mentioned, I do...
  5. S

    Markel/USAA Insurance Non-Renewal Notice today-

    Ted, I'm not taking anything personally. I'm just very surprised. Unlike residences, there is no statutory risk pool for boats in Florida. My rates relate to my vessel's risk. And yours relate to your vessels risks, etc. They aren't pooled together. My insurance company knows where I live...
  6. S

    Markel/USAA Insurance Non-Renewal Notice today-

    It is certainly the case that there is some room within a day or two for most folks along the gulf coast to anchor a boat that is relatively more hurricane safe than a marina along the coast or on a barrier island. There is certainly not enough room at such places for all of the boat's above...
  7. S

    Markel/USAA Insurance Non-Renewal Notice today-

    Ted, Until a couple of hours, tops, before that storm made an unexpected and unpredicted turn and destroyed the Fort Meyers barrier islands, it was predicted to make landfall and do the same in the vicinity of Clearwater Beach, FL. I could have anchored up the Anclote River, or possibly even...
  8. S

    Markel/USAA Insurance Non-Renewal Notice today-

    Ted, It isn't about being lazy. There is a shortage of slips in the area on the best of days. And boatyards are booked months out and busy. When storms come by, there isn't nearly enough space on land nor enough boatyard throughout to haul many more than they normally do anyway. Call around...
  9. S

    Scratches on swim platform

    Also, yes, it means waiting fornitntonsort of gel and get tacky. You can sort of see the change in the way it looks. If you don't mind leaving a bit of a print to sand/polish later, you can also touch it with a finger or toothpick
  10. S

    Scratches on swim platform

    Can you post a picture of your polisher?
  11. S

    Scratches on swim platform

    I am wasteful and just throw away the tips for the cheap sprayer. The folks with the good, real sprayguns obviously clean and reuse them. I've heard them complain that the waxed gelcoat gunks them up more. Like I said, those bits aren't first hand.
  12. S

    Scratches on swim platform

    Let me also comment on one more thing, but from scuttlebutt, not personal knowledge. I've never user an expensive gun to spray gelcoat -- just those cheap ones. But, those who have used expensive sprayers have told me that waxed gelcoat isn't their friend because if they don't clean their...
  13. S

    Scratches on swim platform

    I should also add that gelcoat does set up in a few minutes or so. If you are spraying pva over thinned, sprayed gelcoat you need to be really careful to make sure the gelcoat has set first. If not, you'll have a muddy mess. Looking at reviews, it is pretty clear some people miss that step...
  14. S

    Scratches on swim platform

    Great questions! Recall that when I, personally, spray a thin finish coat of gelcoat I used waxed gelcoat so I don't need to use PVA or sheets or anything else over the finish. I like it to stay just as I applied it. The wax mixed in prevents the off gasing of the catalyst (or "exposure to...
  15. S

    Scratches on swim platform

    I treat it like rattle can spray paint. I do immediate light overlapping passes, but I sort of consider than one coat. But, light is the key. If you get it too thick, it'll run. That isn't terrible. You can just clean it, sand the runs, light sand, and overcoat if needed. Clean well to get the...
  16. S

    Scratches on swim platform

    For what it is, that's as good a kit as any for doing it without a sprayer -- which is a perfectly viable option. I suspect you'd want more than the 1oz and also want reducer if you were to spray. They do sell a 4oz version. The thing that I dont like about that kit -- and I'm sure is the...
  17. S

    Scratches on swim platform

    Hi Paulga, I guess I can add that I've always made the most use of white, black, red, and yellow.
  18. S

    Scratches on swim platform

    Looking at Total Boat's product, their instructions read, "Thin TotalBoat Gelcoat with styrene, only as needed (up to 15%, adding more can affect the color of the cured gelcoat)."
  19. S

    Scratches on swim platform

    Hey Paulga, They have kits that have a bunch of pigments. I've always used one of those. Total Boat or others may have more options w.r.t. size, possibly even in premixed colors that will get you close.
  20. S

    Scratches on swim platform

    Hey Steve, Out of the can, the viscosity is appropriate for application by brush or roller. It doesn't really flow out ridges to flat. And, it won't spray well, if at all. It mostly splatters. Out of the can is fine, even beneficial, for a roller or brush because the goal is to over apply and...
  21. S

    Scratches on swim platform

    These things all, I think, come down to expectations. That won't get you to a perfect repair. But, if it gets you to a repair you are happy with, then it'll make you happy. You might want to try the white vs the buff white. Buff white may be darker than it sounds. The stuff is, I think...
  22. S

    Scratches on swim platform

    I, myself, don't really wet sand until the very end, but I may wash off the sand paper of it starts to get clogged. Start with a higher grit than you'll think you'll want and light pressure then move to coarser paper, keeping light pressure, until you are happy with the speed you are removing...
  23. S

    Scratches on swim platform

    Don't forget: If filling with an epoxy-based filler, once it is fully cured, you need to wash the amine blush off the outside with soap and water before sanding. Similarly, don't forget to opt for a gelcoat with wax, or to have some way of sealing it so it can cure without exposure to air.
  24. S

    Scratches on swim platform

    With respect to the depth of the repair, you don't need to make it deeper except to remove loose material that isn't a good foundation for the repair or to widen tiny cracks so filler can get in. The reason to sand lightly a little past the repair is so that you can spray past the repair and...
  25. S

    Scratches on swim platform

    For the odd job, I'd use something similar to one of the ones below. You'll need to thin the gelcoat a bit and, of course, practice on cardboard until you get the hang of it and it mixed just right (color, viscosity). Don't skim on the cardboard practice...
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