Recent content by OA486AGC

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  1. OA486AGC

    Ditch bag recommendations?

    Based out of Seattle (Portage Bay) - year round boating- live aboard - experienced crew (wife and I). For the most part just the wife and I aboard, but occasionally another couple or friends maxing out at 6 total. Up to Desolation and back in terms of range and area. Mainly in the SJ...
  2. OA486AGC

    Ditch bag recommendations?

    Looking for recommendations for something I never hope I have to use - but if I do, I want the best one out there: ditch bags? What do you have or what do you recommend? Hope everyone is enjoying summer boating!
  3. OA486AGC

    What is the max range of your OA?

    Yes - everyone cruises at their own speed - my question is relative to each person to answer the question in their own way. :thumb:
  4. OA486AGC

    What is the max range of your OA?

    Curious - what is the max range you have ever taken your OA? We have an 48' OA 486 and estimate our max range at 1500nm although we have not gotten close to that without topping off along the way. How brave are some of you? :speed boat:
  5. OA486AGC

    Nordhavn runs aground Ocean Reef

    Stabilizers don't seem to be helping....
  6. OA486AGC

    Fire Extinguishers?

    Looking to replace fire extinguishers on our 1995 48' OA. Anyone know of any good deals out there? Any preferred brands etc? Slow Sunday so here I am writing about extinguishers :rofl:.
  7. OA486AGC

    Torrid 30 Water Heater Reviews?

    Anyone with a Torrid 30 WH with feedback and thoughts? Need to replace our aged 20 disaster and keep hearing we should look at the Torrid 30....thx in advance!
  8. OA486AGC

    Insurance going crazy

    Our insurance is $4300 on our 48' OA....
  9. OA486AGC

    Insurance going crazy

    Echo the advice from Comodave and our experience with Peter has been awesome....
  10. OA486AGC

    58 Ocean Alexander - Height?

    As tiltrider1 said above - you need to get that measurement yourself - obviously it's something you can't afford to get wrong and no one here wants to be deposed by the insurance company! LOL
  11. OA486AGC


    Curious what other brands and systems folks are using? I call these the 'Marriage Savers'!
  12. OA486AGC

    My current helm electronics setup...

    So my lower helm electronics currently consists of the following (photo attached): Dual Simrad 12-inch touchscreen units, controlling radar, GPS, chart plotting, graph sounder, and autopilot. There is also a iPad to run Navionics...and iPhone cradle. I am toying around with buying a new iPad...
  13. OA486AGC

    Aere Heavy Duty Inflatable Fenders?

    Anyone use or have experience with Aere "Heavy Duty Inflatable Fenders"? Someone suggested these to me...
  14. OA486AGC

    Propeller rope cutters?

    What is the best prop rope cutter out on the market right now? Thoughts or suggestions?
  15. OA486AGC

    Wrap or paint the hull?

    Bumping this up.....we are thinking about wrapping our boat rather than paint. Anyone have any great hull designs or place to see some? Have googled and seen quite a few but wanted to ping this crowd and see what you all may have to share... One photo is a hull with navy and red which my wife...
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