Recent content by Delta_JimS

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. D

    Water Tanks - Repair/Replace - Opinions

    Carl, New paint looks great. Ditto the water tanks. Thru hulls in Transon were from a long-ago diesel heater mounted in the ER. Oil leak is likely from a worn hydraulic rudder cylinder.(as best I could tell)
  2. D

    Topping off Racors Low-Clearance

    Post #3 & 4, in conjunction with the priming pump.(that little switch by the pump is for local manual use) Filters will not fill by gravity alone. they should be good for 2 years.
  3. D

    Generator Head?

    I am definitely in Ski's camp on this one. Only, I am questioning a 5k BTU AC unit that only draws 450W. seems to me it should be twice that at least. Though it costs some dough, a good sized alternator with ample batteries and a good 2500W inverter provides a lot of performance and...
  4. D

    2nd Best Day of boating life ....

    So, that's what has been ailing me lately.....
  5. D

    Moving Satori to LA

    Carl, Quite an accomplishment! Great to see she survived all the bridges. Should all be much easier from there.
  6. D

    Deal killers on a boat purchase...

    Looked at a trawler not long ago that was in good shape except it had the lower corners of both saddle tanks pretty badly rusted. Not yet leaking, but highly questionable. Broker swore that they had been that way for 15 years and would be for another 15 at least. I walked. Being a twin, would...
  7. D

    Transporting a 34 Sedan

    RT, That is rather how I always envisioned her......
  8. D

    Our New Boat

    Just Love those NP 52's!
  9. D

    Retirement boat question...

    I agree with what Marin and Cappy had to say. I started Way too late and wish I had started 20 years ago. I have had to skip a few steps as a result. I now have an offer on my "retirement" boat, but need to have my present one sold first. For the model types that I am interested in, they...
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    For Sale: 34' 1985 Fu Hua Golden Star Sedan, Europa Style Trawler

    Satori for Sale. Priced to Sell quickly. Looking to move up to larger boat. $40,000; Firm, No Dickering. Do not even ask. PM me for more info. 34' 1985 Fu Hua Golden Star Sedan, Europa Style Trawler LOA with Bow Pulpit and Swim Deck, 38'. WLL...
  11. D

    What is this called, Where can I find these?

    Just got through replacing 10 of them. Got them at Fastenal for about $7 apiece. They call them Hanger bolts...
  12. D

    Boat buyin' blues

    GFC, Did you use a local MI transport or a National chain moving corp.?
  13. D

    Rust on Fuel Tank - Opinions?

    That much Rust on an '85 TT iron tank? How lucky are you feeling these days? Time to buy some lottery tickets or a trip to Vegas.
  14. D

    Charging question

    I agree with Dave. A couple more questions come to mind. Is your battery charger a fairly new model with 3 or 4 charge stages? If so, probably no problem at all - it should drop out around 14 volts into "Float" mode, and defer to your alternator. My bigger concern is whether your Generator can...
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