Recent content by CaptTom

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  1. CaptTom

    Leaking hatch

    I replaced the whole plexiglass (or whatever) piece. I went to a shop which did that kind of work and had them cut the piece, which I installed. I asked them what material to use, and they sold me the stuff they use, called "RTV." It wasn't cheap, but well worth it, knowing I won't be leaked on.
  2. CaptTom

    Cleaning Racor filters

    I just drain and clean the bowl. A paper towel works well. I've never seen them get fogged like automobile headlights, but I suppose in that case I'd replace them.
  3. CaptTom

    MMSI and PPO rant

    For many devices, there are programs which allow end users outside of the US to change the MMSI number in a specific manufacturer's devices. Of course I wouldn't recommend breaking US law or anything, but I've heard these programs can sometimes be downloaded from non-US sites.
  4. CaptTom

    Geomagnetic storm warning

    Thanks for the heads-up! This looks like the biggest event in quite a while. Unfortunately our forecasts for the next few nights are "partly cloudy." Just once before I die, it would be nice to see the aurora.
  5. CaptTom

    Venting bathroom?

    Score one for the bots. This one had me reading several posts before I noticed the date and skipped to the end, to see the above post. New user, resurrecting a very old thread to post some pointless AI drivel. Sigh.
  6. CaptTom

    NMEA0183 Furuno Sounder to Garmin Plotter

    I dug up some old Furuno manuals from things I've installed. I don't see anything about dual NMEA 0183 outputs. I would have assumed the "TD-A" and "TD-B" were two possible NMEA Transmit channels, but now I'm thinking maybe they are "+" and "-". It seems odd they wouldn't label them that way. I...
  7. CaptTom

    NL 9KW

    I don't understand that part about toggling a breaker. But I do know that my generator at home will put out low voltage like that when the capacitor fails, at 2:30 in the morning, during a raging storm, and a 2-day power outage. Don't ask me how I know. I don't know if marine generators even...
  8. CaptTom

    Trailer Trawler

    Look at Rosborough "Pocket Trawlers." They are now making "RHIB Trawlers" instead, but I haven't seen any of those in person so I can't comment. The pocket trawlers seemed like a pretty good compromise.
  9. CaptTom

    Help with Stove/Oven

    See if this wiring diagram helps any. Of particular interest is at the top left: "A - Selector Switch - Left top OR oven." Verify that you don't have it set to "Oven" and that it works.
  10. CaptTom

    Dedicated autopilot control or operate with MFD?

    My Garmin drives my Simrad AP just fine. It won't do a whole route, just the "go to" function. Which is what I typically use. For a complex route I wouldn't be taking a "set it and forget it" approach anyway. Oh, and I vote for a dedicated AP control, too. I use that just about all the time...
  11. CaptTom

    Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engines

    Hydrogen has problems at the production, distribution and storage stages. It's certainly a viable option, because it leverages internal combustion engine technology. But beyond that it gets more difficult. First, we'd need to produce it using green energy, instead of from fossil fuels, as it is...
  12. CaptTom

    She was much loved once…

    I understand the economics, but I still hate to see boats being destroyed without any attempt to salvage the usable components. Come to thing of it, I feel the same way about houses, barns, old mill buildings and other structures.
  13. CaptTom

    DIY project: Adding a fuel consumption data to older diesel

    Looking forward to the update, thanks!!
  14. CaptTom, anybody use this tool?

    OK, I found all the on/off options for the various displays. Nice! There are anchor symbols, but they seem to just pull up Coast Pilot entries. When I get time I'll set up an account and see how the reviews work. I'll also be looking for ways a user can add a point of interest. I'm looking...
  15. CaptTom, anybody use this tool?

    Wow. I'm impressed. Going to have to play with this one a lot more. Not sure I like seeing all the Coast Pilot and Wikipedia icons cluttering up the screen, maybe there's a way to turn them off. Next I'll want to play with routes. Anchorages, marinas and reviews would make this a fantastic...
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