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The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  • CaptTom
    Wow. I'm impressed. Going to have to play with this one a lot more. Not sure I like seeing all the Coast Pilot and Wikipedia icons...
  • CaptTom
    I get nothing when I search for DeepZoom in the Play store. However, that search brings up lots of other boating, fishing and navigation...
  • CaptTom
    CaptTom replied to the thread Do you know this boat?.
    This was my first thought on seeing the picture. I can see where it would help some with stability. But from the picture, which looks to...
  • CaptTom
    CaptTom replied to the thread Remove blue sea water crusties.
    Vinegar and baking soda makes an impressive fizzing action. I suppose in theory there's some mechanical cleaning going on there, but...
  • CaptTom
    Liking it so far, thanks!! This may be a dumb question, but when I click "Remember Me" at logon, it doesn't. I rarely logged on to the...
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